Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Boy's Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up You

The Boy's Body Book: Everything You Need to Know for Growing Up YOU is a great book for boys in the 5th grade to early middle school years. The book covers everything that a boy needs to know about his changing body and how to deal with the issues that arise. It also covers topics like changes at home and changes in feelings and friends.

This book is an easy to read guide that would be a great read for any boy going through life changes. It is a great book to have in a classroom library for all male students to read. It gives great tips and advice that female teachers (or moms) may not be able to advise their boys about. It is a great resource to refer to with those sometimes awkward topics that a teacher knows needs to be addressed but is unsure of how to do it. This is a book I will not only have in my classroom but also in my home for my two boys.

I think that around the time the 5th grade students have the health video it would be a great book to have the boys in your class read to support their learning. I would not use it in a bookclub because I think that the boys might be a bit embarrassed to talk about some of the topics (i.e. smelly armpits and changing feelings towards friends that are girls). 

This is also another book that I would recommend to parents of boys for a summer reading list (between 5th and 6th grade).


  1. I agree that this looks like a great book for summer reading. A nice way to compliment the body videos and provide a way to get answers to questions that might be hard or too embarassing for them to ask.

  2. This sounds like a great book to have in a classroom library if you teach fifth or sixth grade. I wasn't aware that there was a book like this out there so thanks for sharing! Having this book in your classroom will be very helpful and informative to young males.
