I Dreamt I Was a Dinosaur is a book by Stella Blackstone. The book is about a little boy who has a dream about being a dinosaur and all his dinosaur friends. The book uses all of the scientific names of the dinosaurs in child friendly writing.
My favorite part of this whole book is the illustrations. The entire books illustrations are made out of felt, stitching, beads, sequins and bits of decorative lace and/or edging. It reminds me of a blanket that a grandmother has stitched for a grandchild. I think that it is a very unique way of illustration and one that I have not seen before. I think that it would be a great introduction to an art lesson involving felt or could be used as an interactive play board in a classroom.
The other reason I really like this book is because of the simple text. The story is short so it would not take up a lot of time but in the back is some informational text that would great if doing a unit on dinosaurs. It would give a nice introduction to the dinosaurs through the story and then great facts about each in the back. It is visually and mentally appealing.
I also don't remember seeing a book with illustrations like that before. I always love seeing something unique! It looks like these are all great books to add to your dinosaur text set.