Wagon Train Adventure is a graphic novel by John Kelly about the struggle of a girl named Sarah on her way along the California Trail in 1849. Sarah and her family were on the California trail and along the way she was almost killed by a stampede of buffalo, her father was killed, and she was attacked and helped by Indians.
I really liked this book. I have always been a big fan of comics and I am a firm believer in letting children read what interests them. This book combines both a good story and the comic book style. I think that letting reluctant readers read graphic novels may lead them to be more motivated to read.
In the classroom I would use this book along side a unit on the Oregon/California Trail. Both of those topics are discussed during the fourth grade year and this book would be a great read for that grade level. I think this book could be used in multiple ways. It can be used by an independent reader or as a read aloud in the classroom.
Many topics about the dangerous trail are brought about in this book and it would be a great way to get students to start thinking about the dangers and hardships that young children faced during that time period. I also like that the story is told from the perspective of a girl but is a book that many would consider geared more toward boys. I think that because of this mixture it will do a good job at engaging both girls and boys int he classroom.
I think that this book would be great to start a lesson where the students could create their own comic strip with a creative writing story about what they would encounter on wither the Oregon or California Trail. This book is also available through wegivebooks.com.