The True Story of the Three Little Pigs is another creative twist on a classic tale by Jon Scieszka. The story is told from the view of the Big Bad Wolf who's real name is Alexander T. Wolf. The story follows the same story line of the original tale but with some very interesting twists. Why was Alexander T. Wolf at the pigs house? How did he get the name the Big Bad Wolf? All of these question are answered in the most creative of way in this ALA notable book.
I think that this book is a great variation of the 3 Little Pigs tale. I think that the story line is familiar to children so it could be used in many different ways in the classroom. One way I thought of was using it with the original tale to show different point's of view through the main character. How the 3 Little Pigs remember the tale and how Alexander T. Wolf remembered it were completely different.
I also think that it could be used with other books from the same author as an author study in the classroom. Many of Jon Scieszka's books have classic story with a twist and would be interesting for children to look at the similarities.